paragoge noun.
[parǝ'gǝʊdʒi] M16.[Late Latin from Greek
paragōgē derivation, addition to the end of a syllable, formed as
PARA-1 +
agōgē carrying, leading.]
Philology. The addition of a letter or syllable to a word, either in the course of a language's development (e.g. English
peasan-t), or, as in Hebrew, to give emphasis or modify the meaning.
■ paragogic
[-'gɒdʒ-] adjective & noun (a) adjective of, pertaining to, or of the nature of paragoge; (of a sound or letter) added to a word by paragoge;
(b) noun a paragogic sound or letter:
L16. ■ paragogical
[-'gɒdʒ-] adjective paragogic
E17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲