paralogism noun.
[pǝ'ralǝdʒɪz(ǝ)m] M16.[French paralogisme or late Latin paralogismus from Greek paralogismos, from paralogizesthai reason falsely, from paralogos contrary to reason, formed as PARA-1 + logos reasoning, discourse: see LOGOS, -ISM.]1. A piece of false reasoning; an illogical argument; a fallacy,
esp. one of which the reasoner is unaware.
M16.2. False reasoning; illogical argument.
L17. ■ para'logical adjective involving or characterized by false reasoning; illogical, unreasonable:
M17. ■ paralogist noun a person who reasons falsely
E17. ■ paralo'gistic adjective of the nature of a paralogism, fallacious
L17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲