pas noun.
[pa, pɑ:] Pl. same.
1. The right of going first; precedence.
E18.2. A step in dancing; a kind of dance, esp. in classical ballet. Chiefly with qualifying phr.
L18.pas ciseaux: see
pas de ciseaux below. pas d'action
[daksj] a dance expressing a theme or narrative. pas de basque
[dǝ bask] a step in three beats, similar to a waltz step but with a circular movement of the right leg on the second beat. pas de bourrée
[dǝ bure] =
BOURRéE step. pas de chat
[dǝ ʃa] [lit. 'of cat'] a jump in which each foot in turn is raised to the opposite knee. pas de cheval
[dǝ ʃǝval] [lit. 'of horse'] a step in which a pawing movement is executed with one foot. pas de ciseaux, pas ciseaux
[(dǝ) sizo] [lit. 'of scissors'] a jump in which the legs are opened wide apart in the air. pas de deux
[dǝ 'dǝ:, dǝ dæ] a dance for two people.
pas GLISSé. pas de quatre
[dǝ 'katr(ǝ), kat&smR;] a dance for four people. pas de trois
[dǝ 'trwʌ, t&smR;wa] a dance for three people. pas seul
[sl] [sole, alone] a dance for one person.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲