peduncle noun.
[pɪ'dʌŋk(ǝ)l] M18.[mod. Latin pedunculus, from Latin ped-, pes foot: see -UNCLE.]1. Botany. The main stalk of an inflorescence or infructescence to which the pedicels are attached.
M18.2. Zoology &
Medicine. A stalk or stalklike projection in an animal;
spec. (a) a pedicel (eye-stalk) of a crustacean;
(b) the stalk by which a cirripede, brachiopod, etc., is attached to a foreign body;
(c) the pedicle of a tumour;
(d) any of several bundles of nerve fibres connecting two parts of the brain;
(e) the narrowed fleshy base of the pectoral or caudal fin in certain fish, before the rays commence.
L18. ■ peduncled adjective having a peduncle or peduncles
L18. ■ peduncular adjective of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a peduncle
E19. ■ pedunculate adjective having a peduncle or peduncles;
■ pedunculate oak, the common oak,
Quercus robur, in which each group of acorns is borne on a long peduncle:
M18. ■ pedunculated adjective =
pedunculate M18. ■ peduncu'lation noun the condition of being pedunculate
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