pelta noun.
['pɛltǝ] Pl. -tae
[-ti:]. Also Anglicized as
E17.[Latin from Greek peltē a small light leather shield.]1. Classical Antiquities. A small light shield; a buckler.
E17.2. Botany. Any of various shieldlike structures;
spec. (in a lichen) a flat apothecium without an excipulum.
M18.3. An ornamental motif resembling a shield in architecture, metalwork, etc.
E20. ■ peltate adjective (a) Botany shield-shaped;
spec. (of a leaf etc.) more or less circular and having the stalk attached at a point on the underside;
(b) (of architecture, metalwork, etc.) ornamented with a pelta or peltae:
M18. ■ peltately adverb E19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲