
تلفظ آنلاین

peri noun. ['pɪǝri]
peri- prefix. ['pɛri]

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peri noun. ['pɪǝri] L18.
[Persian perī.]
In Iranian Mythology, one of a race of superhuman beings, originally represented as evil but subsequently as good and graceful; transf. a graceful or beautiful person.

[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary

peri- prefix. ['pɛri]
[from Greek peri (preposition & adverb) round, around, round about, about.]
Used with the sense 'encircling, around, in the vicinity of, near' to form adjectives (& derived adverbs) & nouns, esp. (a) Medicine referring to a region or structure lying around or near a specified part; (b) Astronomy referring to the point in the orbit of a body at which it is nearest to the primary about which it revolves (opp. APO-).

peri'anal adjective situated or occurring around the anus L19.

peri'apical adjective situated or occurring around the apex of the root of a tooth E20.

peri'apsis noun, pl. -apses [-'apsi:z], Astronomy the point in the path of an orbiting body at which it is nearest to the primary M20.

[-'karɪǝn], pl. -karya [-'karɪǝ], noun [KARYO-] Anatomy the part of a nerve cell that contains the nucleus L19.

perilune noun (Astronomy) the point at which a spacecraft in lunar orbit (esp. one launched from the moon) is nearest to the moon's centre (cf. pericynthion) M20.

perilymph noun (Anatomy) the fluid within the bony labyrinth of the ear, surrounding the membranous labyrinth M19.

perilym'phatic adjective (Anatomy) of or pertaining to the perilymph L19.

perimeno'pausal adjective occurring at around the time of the menopause M20.

peri'menopause noun the perimenopausal period of life M20.

perimorph noun a mineral or crystal that encloses another L19.

perimysium [-'mɪs-] noun [Greek mus muscle] Anatomy the connective tissue that forms sheaths around bundles of muscle fibres in a muscle and around the muscles themselves M19.

peri'nephric adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around the kidney L19.

peri'neural adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around a nerve or a bundle of nerve fibres L19.

peri'neurium noun (Anatomy) the sheath of connective tissue surrounding a bundle of nerve fibres M19.

peri'nuclear adjective (a) Biology situated or occurring around a cell nucleus; (b) Medicine situated or occurring around the eyeball: L19.

peri'ocular adjective situated or occurring around the eye or the eyeball L19.

perioesophageal [,pɛrɪɪsɒfǝ'dʒi:ǝl] adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around the oesophagus L19.

perionychia [-'nɪk-] noun (Medicine) = [-tri:m] noun [Greek trēma perforation, hole] Zoology a small chitinous ring surrounding a spiracle in an insect M19.

peritrich [-trɪk] noun (Zoology) a peritrichous organism E20.

pe'ritrichate adjective (Zoology) (of a bacterium) peritrichous M20.

pe'ritrichous adjective [Greek trikh-, thrix hair] Zoology (of a ciliate) having no cilia except for a ring of them around the mouth; (of a bacterium) having flagella over the whole body surface: L19.

pe'ritrichously adverb (Zoology) in the manner of a peritrichous organism E20.

peritrophic [-'trǝʊfɪk, -'trɒfɪk] adjective (Zoology) designating a chitinous tube or membrane that lines the gut of many insects and some crustaceans and is wrapped round faeces when they are expelled E20.

peri'tubular adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around a tubule, esp. of the urogenital system L20.

perity'phlitis noun [Greek tuphlon caecum, from tuphlos blind] Medicine (now Hist.) inflammation of (a part near) the caecum, as in appendicitis and typhlitis M19.

peri'ungual adjective (Medicine) situated or occurring around the nails L19.

peri-'urban adjective (esp. in Africa) immediately adjoining a city or conurbation M20.

periure'teric adjective (Medicine) situated or occurring around one ureter or both E20.

periu'rethral adjective (Medicine) situated or occurring around the urethra L19.

peri'vascular adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around a blood-vessel L19.

periven'tricular adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around a ventricle, esp. a ventricle of the brain L19.

peri'visceral adjective (Anatomy) situated or occurring around the viscera M19.

perivi'telline adjective (Biology) situated or occurring around the vitellus of an ovum L19.

[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary

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