
pericranium noun. [pɛrɪ'kreɪnɪǝm] Pl. -nia [-nɪǝ], -niums. Also (esp. in sense 2) pericrane, pericrany.
Irregular Forms: (pl) pericrania
(کالبد شناسی). قسمت خارجی جمجمه، سمحاق، (بشوخی) کله، مغز، فکر
pericranium noun.
[pɛrɪ'kreɪnɪǝm] Pl. -nia
-niums. Also (esp. in sense 2)
LME.[medieval Latin from Greek perikranion use as noun of perikranios round the skull, formed as PERI- + kranion skull.]1. Anatomy. The membrane enveloping the skull; the external periosteum of the cranial bones.
LME.2. The skull; the brain, esp. as the seat of mind or thought. Chiefly
joc. (now
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