Philadelphian adjective & noun.
[fɪlǝ'dɛlfɪǝn] E17.[In senses A.1, 2, B.1, 2 from Greek philadelphia brotherly love, formed as PHILO- + adelphos brother; in senses A.3, B.3 from Greek Philadelpheia the ancient city of Philadelphia in Asia Minor, founded by Attalus II Philadelphus (220-138 BC): see -AN.]A. adjective.
1. (
philadelphian.) Loving one's fellow people; loving humankind.
E17.2. Of or pertaining to the 17th-cent.Philadelphians.
L17.3. Of or pertaining to the ancient city of Philadelphia in Asia Minor or Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA.
L18.b. noun.
1. (
philadelphian.) A person who loves his or her fellows.
M17.2. In
pl. (The members of) the Philadelphian Society, a religious society organized in England in the late 17th cent.
L17.3. A native or inhabitant of the ancient city of Philadelphia in Asia Minor, or of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, USA.
E18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲