phonography noun.
[fǝ'nɒgrǝfi] E18.[from PHONO- + -GRAPHY.]1. Phonetic spelling;
spec. the system of phonetic shorthand invented by Isaac Pitman in 1837.
E18.2. The automatic recording or reproduction of sound; the construction and use of phonographs.
M19. ■ phonographer noun a person who uses phonography
M19. ■ phono'graphic,
■ phono'graphical adjectives (a) phonetic; of or pertaining to phonography;
(b) of, pertaining to, or produced by a phonograph:
M19. ■ phono'graphically adverb by means of phonography or a phonograph
M19. ■ phonographist noun (now
rare) a phonographer
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲