pintail noun.
['pɪnteɪl] ME.[from PIN noun1 + TAIL noun1.]1. A hare.
rare. Only in
ME.2. A migratory duck,
Anas acuta, of the northern hemisphere, the male of which has two long pointed feathers in the tail. Also more fully
pintail duck.
M18.b. Any of various other birds with a pointed tail,
(a) a pintailed sandgrouse;
(b) N. Amer. a sharp-tailed grouse;
(c) US local a ruddy duck;
(d) Austral. a rainbow bird.
L19.3. A woman,
esp. one with narrow hips. Chiefly
dial. L18.4. A surfboard or sailboard with a back which tapers to a point.
M20. ■ pintailed adjective having a pointed tail;
■ pintailed sandgrouse, a sandgrouse,
Pterocles alchata, of central Asia and Mediterranean countries:
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