plash verb. [plaʃ]
plash noun. [plaʃ] Also (dial.) plosh [plɒʃ].
plash noun. [plaʃ] obsolete exc. dial.
plash noun & adverb. [plaʃ] Also plosh [plɒʃ].
plash verb trans. [plaʃ]
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plash[verb]Synonyms: splash, douse, slop, slosh, spatter, splatter, splosh, splurge, spurtle, swash
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
plash (plăsh)
n.► A light splash.
► The sound of a light splash.
v. plashed, plash·ing, plash·es v. tr.To spatter (liquid) about; splash.
v. intr.To cause a light splash.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲