plasmolysis noun.
[plaz'mɒlɪsɪs] L19.[from PLASMO- + -LYSIS.]Biology. Contraction of the cytoplasm of a plant cell with separation of the plasma membrane from the cell wall, due to the osmotic withdrawal of liquid into a medium of high concentration.
■ 'plasmolysable adjective able to be plasmolysed
L19. ■ 'plasmolyse verb trans. subject to plasmolysis, cause plasmolysis in (freq. as
■ plasmolysed,
■ plasmolysing ppl adjectives)
L19. ■ plasmo'lytic adjective pertaining to, exhibiting, or causing plasmolysis
L19. ■ plasmo'lytically adverb by means of plasmolysis
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