popple noun3.
['pɒp(ǝ)l] Now
dial. LME.[Origin unkn.]The corn-cockle,
Agrostemma githago. Formerly also
[mistranslating Greek zizania, Latin lolium darnel], an injurious weed of corn, a tare (chiefly in biblical allusions). Cf.
COCKLE noun1,
POPPY noun 2.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
popple noun1 & verb.
['pɒp(ǝ)l] ME.[Prob. from Middle Dutch popelen murmur, babble, quiver, throb, of imit. origin.]A. noun.
1. A bubble such as rises and breaks in boiling water.
ME-M16.2. An act or condition of poppling; a rolling or tossing of water etc.; a strong ripple.
L19.b. The (sound of the) agitation on the surface of a boiling liquid.
L19.b. verb intrans. Flow in a tumbling manner, as water from a spring or over a pebbly surface; tumble about, as boiling or otherwise agitated liquid; bubble up; ripple, toss to and fro in short waves.
LME.■ J. Ferguson The mother stirred the poppling porridge on the fire. ■ W. Golding The grey, poppling water and the occasional barges. ■ popply adjective L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲