potence noun2.
['pǝʊt(ǝ)ns] LME.[Old & mod. French = crutch, (mod.) gallows from Latin potentia: see POTENCE noun1, cf. POTENT noun1 & adjective1.]1. A crutch. Also, a heraldic device shaped like the crosspiece of a crutch. Cf.
POTENT noun1 3.
LME-L15.2. A cross; a gibbet.
L15-M19.3. Horology. A piece fastened to a plate of a clock or watch to form the lower pivot of the spindle.
L17.4. Hist. A military formation in which a line is thrown out at right angles to the main body.
M18.5. Hist. A revolving post with a ladder, used for collecting eggs in a dovecote.
L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲