predial adjective & noun.
['pri:dɪǝl] Also
LME.[medieval Latin praedialis, from Latin praedium farm, estate: see -AL1.]A. adjective.
1. Consisting of, pertaining to, or derived from farmland or its occupation; rural, agrarian.
LME.predial tithe: derived from the produce of the soil.
Blackwood's Magazine To repress the predial or rural disorders of Ireland. Caribbean Quarterly 'Bitter Bessie' sometimes planted round the edges of cultivations to..discourage praedial thieves.2. Of (the labour etc. of) a serf or tenant: attached to a farm or to the land.
L17.predial servitude Scots Law a servitude constituted over one piece of land in favour of the owner of another, e.g. a right of way through another's property.
b. noun. Orig., a predial tithe. Later, a predial serf or bondman.
M16. ■ predi'ality noun the state of being predial
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