presbyter noun.
['prɛzbɪtǝ] L16.[ecclesiastical Latin from Greek presbuteros, in New Testament = elder of the Sanhedrin or apostolic church, use as noun of compar. of presbus old (man): cf. PRIEST.]1. a. In the early Christian church: one of a number of people having oversight of the affairs of a local church or congregation. Cf.
BISHOP noun 1b.
L16.b. In an Episcopal Church: a minister of the second degree of holy orders, between bishop and deacon; a priest.
L16.c. In a Presbyterian Church: an elder;
esp. a member of a presbytery.
L16.■ H. T. Buckle The main object was, to raise up presbyters, and to destroy bishops.2. A Presbyterian.
M17-E19. ■ pres'byteral adjective (a) of or pertaining to a presbyter or priest; consisting of presbyters;
(b) =
PRESBYTERIAN adjective 1:
E17. ■ presbytership noun L16. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲