priming noun3.
['prʌɪmɪŋ] US.
L19.[from PRIME verb3 + -ING1.]The action or process of pruning or trimming a plant, esp. a tree, or of thinning out a wood, crop, etc.; an instance of this; the leaves, branches, plants, etc., removed in this process.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
priming noun1.
['prʌɪmɪŋ] LME.[from PRIME verb2 + -ING1.]1. The action of
PRIME verb2;
spec. (a) the placing of gunpowder in the pan of a firearm; the preparation of a gun for firing;
(b) the coating of wood, canvas, metal, etc. with primer;
(c) fig. hasty preparation for examinations etc.; cramming.
LME.2. A thing which primes something; primer;
spec. (a) gunpowder placed in the pan of a firearm to ignite a charge (also
priming powder); a train of powder connecting a fuse with a charge in blasting etc.;
(b) a substance used to prime wood, canvas, metal, etc., before painting (=
PRIMER noun2 2); a coat or layer of this.
E17.3. A preparation of sugar added to beer.
priming-hole a vent through which a charge of a firearm etc. is ignited;
priming-iron =
priming wire below;
priming powder: see sense 2 above;
priming pump =
PRIMER noun2 4;
priming-wire a sharp pointed wire used to ascertain whether the priming-hole of a firearm, charge, etc., is unobstructed, and to pierce the cartridge.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
priming noun2.
['prʌɪmɪŋ] M19.[from PRIME verb1 + -ING1.]A shortening of the interval between corresponding states of the tide, taking place from the neap to the spring tides (cf.
lag of the tide s.v.
LAG noun2). Chiefly in
priming of the tides.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲