privity noun.
['prɪvɪti] ME.[Old French priveté, -ité from medieval Latin privitas, from Latin privus: see PRIVATE, -ITY.]1. a. A divine or heavenly mystery.
ME-L15.b. A secret; a person's own private business or affairs.
ME-E17.2. Privacy, seclusion; secrecy. Chiefly in
in privity, in private.
ME-M17.3. Intimacy, familiarity.
ME-L15.4. In
pl. &
sing. The genitals.
arch. LME.5. Law. A relation between two parties that is recognized by law, e.g. that of blood, service, a contract, etc.; a mutual interest.
E16.privity of contract the relation between the parties in a contract which entitles them to sue each other but prevents a third party from doing so.
privity of estate the relation between landlord and tenant which allows them to sue each other even though no privity of contract exists between them.
6. The fact of being privy to or
to something.
M16.b. Maritime Law. Knowledge of (and failure to rectify) a circumstance which subsequently contributes to damage or loss.
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