profligate[adjective]Synonyms:- extravagant, immoderate, improvident, prodigal, reckless, spendthrift, wasteful
- depraved, debauched, degenerate, dissolute, immoral, licentious, shameless, wanton, wicked, wild
[noun]Synonyms:- spendthrift, squanderer, waster, wastrel
- degenerate, debauchee, libertine, rake, reprobate, roué
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
prof‧li‧gate /ˈprɒfləɡət, ˈprɒflɪɡət $ ˈprɑː-/
adjective formal[
Date: 1500-1600;
Language: Latin;
Origin: past participle of profligare 'to strike down']
1. wasting money or other things in a careless way
Synonym : wasteful:
profligate spending the profligate use of energy resources2. behaving in an immoral way and not caring that your behaviour is bad
—profligacy noun [uncountable]—profligate noun [countable] [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲