projective adjective.
[prǝ'dʒɛktɪv] M17.[from PROJECT verb + -IVE.]1. That projects or can project; of, pertaining to, or marked by projection.
M17.2. spec. In
Geometry etc., of, pertaining to, or produced by the projection of lines or figures on a surface. In
Psychology, mentally projecting or projected.
L17.Special collocations:
projective geometry the branch of geometry that deals with projective properties.
projective plane Math. a two-dimensional manifold which is a spherical shell with all pairs of antipodal points identified.
projective property a property (of a figure) which remains unchanged after projection.
projective space Math. a space obtained by taking a vector space of the next higher dimension, identifying all vectors which are multiples of one another, and omitting the origin.
projective test Psychology a test designed to reveal unconscious elements of personality by asking a person to respond freely to words, pictures, etc., placed before him or her.
projective verse a type of free verse seeking to replace traditional ideals of poetic form with open or natural structures.
■ projectively adverb L19. ■ projec'tivity noun (
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