
prolegomenon noun. [prǝʊlɪ'gɒmɪnǝn] Pl. -mena [-mɪnǝ].
Irregular Forms: (pl) prolegomena
پیش گفتار، مقدمه، کلمات مقدماتی
prolegomenon[noun]Synonyms: introduction, exordium, foreword, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prelusion, proem, prologue
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
prolegomenon noun.
[prǝʊlɪ'gɒmɪnǝn] Pl. -mena
M17.[Latin from Greek, use as noun of neut. pres. pple of prolegein say beforehand, formed as PRO-2 + legein say.]An esp. critical or discursive introduction prefaced to a literary work;
transf. a preliminary remark;
fig. an event, action, etc., serving as an introduction
to something. Freq. in
pl. (treated as
sing. or pl.).
■ prolegomenal adjective prefatory, introductory
L19. ■ prolegomenous adjective (a) =
(b) (of a person) long-winded, prolix:
M18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲