Punchinello noun.
[pʌn(t)ʃɪ'nɛlǝʊ] Pl. -o(e)s, -lli
M17.[Alt. of Italian (Neapolitan) Polecinella, (literary) Pulcinella, perh. from dim. of pollecena young of the turkey-cock (the hooked beak of which bears some resemblance to the character's nose) from pulcino chicken from Proto-Romance, from Latin pullus (see PULLET).]1. Orig., one of the stock characters of the Italian
commedia dell'arte, distinguished by his hooked nose, humped back, and short stout figure; an entertainment in which the character appeared. Later =
PUNCH noun4 3; a Punch-and-Judy show.
M17.2. transf. A person, animal, or thing resembling Punchinello, esp. in being short and stout.
M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲