punctum noun.
['pʌŋ(k)tǝm] Pl. puncta
L16.[Latin, orig. neut. of
punctus pa. pple of
pungere prick.]
1. A point.
obsolete exc. as below.
Botany, &
Medicine etc. A minute rounded speck, dot, or spot of colour; a small elevation or depression on a surface.
Anatomy. =
punctum lachrymale below.
Palaeography. A punctuation mark consisting of a point in a medieval manuscript.
M20.Phrases: punctum indifferens
[ɪn'dɪfǝrɛnz] [= not differing] a neutral point. punctum lachrymale
[lakrɪ'meɪli], pl. -lia
[= lachrymal] Anatomy the orifice of either of the two lacrimal canals at the corner of the eye. punctum saliens
['salɪɛnz] [= leaping] the first trace of the heart in an embryo, appearing as a pulsating point;
fig. a starting-point or centre of activity.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲