pyroxene noun.
[pʌɪ'rɒksi:n] E19.[from
PYRO- + Greek
xenos stranger, because the mineral group was thought alien to igneous rocks.]
Mineralogy. Orig., any of a large group of silicate minerals containing calcium and one or more other bases, usu. magnesium and iron. Now, any of a group of silicate minerals characterized by a structure of chains of SiO
4 tetrahedra and prismatic cleavage at nearly 90 degrees.
■ pyroxenic
[pʌɪrɒk'sɛnɪk] adjective of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or containing pyroxene
E19. ■ pyroxenite
noun (
Geology) an igneous rock consisting chiefly of pyroxenes and olivine
M19. ■ pyroxe'nitic
adjective of, pertaining to, or of the nature of pyroxenite
M20. ■ pyroxenoid
[pʌɪ'rɒks(ǝ)nɔɪd] noun any of a small group of triclinic silicates resembling pyroxenes in chemical constitution
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