Pyrrhonism noun.
['pɪrǝnɪz(ǝ)m] L17.[from Greek Purrhōn Pyrrho (see below) + -ISM.]A system of sceptic philosophy taught by Pyrrho of Elis (
c 300
BC), founder of the first school of Greek sceptic philosophy; the doctrine of the impossibility of attaining certainty of knowledge; absolute or universal scepticism. Also (
gen.), scepticism, incredulity.
Philosophical Quarterly Pyrrhonism comes from failing to distinguish between a demonstration, a proof and a probability. ■ Py'rrhonic noun & adjective (a) noun =
(b) adjective of or pertaining to Pyrrho or his doctrines; purely sceptical:
L16. ■ Pyrrhonist noun a follower or adherent of Pyrrho; an advocate of Pyrrhonism; a sceptic:
L16. ■ Pyrrho'nistic adjective of the nature of a Pyrrhonist or of Pyrrhonism
L19. ■ pyrrhonize verb (
(a) verb intrans. practise Pyrrhonism; be sceptical;
(b) verb trans. treat sceptically:
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