quoad preposition.
['kwǝʊad] E17.[Latin = so far as, as much as, as to, from
quo where, whither +
ad to.]
To the extent of, as regards, with respect to.
quoad hanc
[haŋk], quoad hunc
[hʌŋk] [accus. fem., masc., of haec, hic this] Law as far as this woman, man, is concerned (used with ref. to the nullity of a marriage or to sexual impotence). quoad hoc
[hɒk] [neut., = this] to this extent, with respect to this.
quoad hunc: see
quoad hanc above. quoad sacra
['seɪkrǝ] [pl. of sacrum sacred thing] Ecclesiastical with respect to sacred matters (used esp. in Scotland with ref. to parishes constituted for purely ecclesiastical rather than civil purposes).
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