quodlibet noun.
['kwɒdlɪbɛt] LME.[medieval Latin quodlibet(um) from Latin quodlibet, from quod what + libet it pleases.]1. Hist. A question proposed as an exercise in philosophical or theological debate; a scholastic debate, thesis, or exercise.
LME.2. Music. A light-hearted combination of several tunes; a medley.
E19. ■ quodlibetal adjective (
rare) =
quodlibetical M19. ■ quodlibe'tarian noun (
Hist.) a person who discusses quodlibets
E18. ■ quodli'betic adjective (
rare) =
quodlibetical M17. ■ quodli'betical adjective (
Hist.) of the nature of or concerned with a quodlibet or quodlibets
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