rabbet noun & verb.
['rabɪt] LME.[Old French rab(b)at, from rabattre beat back or down: see REBATE verb1.]A. noun.
1. A channel (usually rectangular in section) cut along the edge, face, or projecting angle of a piece of wood, stone, etc., usually to receive the edge or tongue of another piece.
LME.2. A side of such a channel in a projecting angle or corner. Formerly, a tongue to fit into a rabbet.
L17.3. A beam fixed so as to cause the rebounding of a large steam hammer.
rabbet plane a paring tool for cutting a groove along an edge.
b. verb.
1. verb trans. Join or fix by means of a rabbet or rabbets. Also foll. by
M16.2. verb trans. Form a rabbet in; cut
away or
down as in making a rabbet.
L16.3. verb intrans. Join
on or lap
over by means of a rabbet.
M19. ■ rabbeting noun (a) the process of rabbeting boards or fitting rabbeted boards together;
(b) the rabbeted portion of such boards:
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