reclusion[noun]Synonyms: seclusion, retirement, sequestration
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
reclusion noun.
[rɪ'klu:ʒ(ǝ)n] LME.[medieval Latin reclusio(n-) shutting up, (monastic) seclusion, from Latin reclus- pa. ppl stem of recludere: see RECLUSE noun & adjective, -ION.]1. The action of secluding (oneself) or the fact of being secluded from society etc., esp. as a religious discipline; a state of seclusion or retirement.
LME.Washington Post Withdrawal into brooding reclusion Confinement as a prisoner;
esp. solitary confinement.
L19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲