red hot[adjective]Synonyms: hot, blistering, boiling, burning, fiery, scalding, scorching, sizzling, sweltering, white-hot, impassioned, ardent, blazing, fervid, flaming, glowing, passionate, up-to-date, abreast, au courant, contemporary, down-to-date, up, up-to-the-minute
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
ˌred-ˈhot adjective1. a) metal or rock that is red-hot is so hot that it shines red:
The poker glowed red-hot in the fire. b) informal very hot:
Be careful with those plates – they’re red-hot.2. informal extremely active, exciting, or interesting:
a red-hot news story
The Braves have been red-hot in the last few games.3. a red-hot feeling is very strong:
red-hot anger4. red-hot favourite British English the team or person who most people believe will win a competition
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