red-necked adjective.
['rɛdnɛkt] L19.[from RED adjective + NECKED.]1. Chiefly
Zoology. Having a red neck. avocet an Australian avocet,
Recurvirostra novaehollandiae.
red-necked grebe a holarctic grebe,
Podiceps grisegena.
red-necked nightjar an Iberian and N. African nightjar,
Caprimulgus ruficollis.
red-necked phalarope a northern holarctic phalarope,
Phalaropus lobatus, which has a chestnut patch on the neck when in breeding plumage.
red-necked wallaby an Australian wallaby,
Macropus rufogriseus, naturalized in parts of Britain.
2. Holding redneck views; characteristic of a redneck; reactionary, conservative. Orig.
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