repudiate[verb]Synonyms: reject, deny, disavow, disclaim, disown, renounce
Antonyms: adopt, own
Contrasted words: acknowledge, admit, avow, confess, own, allow, concede, grant
Related Words: abandon,
discard [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
re‧pu‧di‧ate /rɪˈpjuːdieɪt/
verb [transitive] formal[
Date: 1500-1600;
Language: Latin;
Origin: past participle of repudiare 'to end a marriage', from repudium 'divorce']
1. to refuse to accept or continue with something
Synonym : reject:
He repudiated all offers of friendship.2. to state or show that something is not true or correct:
The book repudiates the racist stereotypes about black women.—repudiation /rɪˌpjuːdiˈeɪʃ
noun [uncountable] [TahlilGaran] Dictionary of Contemporary English ▲