res noun1.
[reɪz, ri:z] Pl. same.
E17.[Latin = thing.]
A thing, a matter: chiefly in Latin phrs. Now also, the condition of something; the matter in hand, the point at issue, the crux.
res cogitans
['kɒgɪtanz, 'kɒdʒ-] Philosophy a human regarded as a thinking being. res communis
[kǝ'mju:nɪs], pl. -nes
Law common property; something incapable of appropriation. res extensa
[ɪk'stɛnsǝ], pl. -sae
Philosophy a material thing considered as extended substance. res gestae
['gɛstʌɪ, 'dʒɛsti:] pl. (an account of) things done, (a person's) achievements; events in the past;
Law (an account, esp. a spoken one, of) the facts of the case. res integra
['ɪntɪgrǝ], pl. -grae
[-grʌɪ, -gri:],
[Latin = untouched] Law a case or question not covered by a law or precedent. res ipsa loquitur
[,ɪpsǝ 'lɒkwɪtǝ],
[Latin = the thing speaks for itself] Law the principle that the occurrence of an accident implies negligence. res judicata
[dʒu:dɪ'kɑ:tǝ], pl. -tae
[-tʌɪ, -ti:],
Law a matter that has been adjudicated by a competent court and which therefore may not be pursued further by the same parties. res non verba
[nɒn 'vǝ:bǝ] pl. things not words, fact or action as opp. to mere talk. res nullius
['nʌlɪǝs] Law no one's property; a thing or things that can belong to no one. res publica
['pʊblɪkǝ, 'pʌblɪkǝ], the state, republic, or commonwealth.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲