revest verb1.
ME.[Old French revestir (mod. revêtir) from late Latin revestire, from Latin RE- + vestire clothe.]1. verb trans.a. Clothe (a priest etc.) in ecclesiastical vestments. Usu. in
pass. ME-E17.b. gen. Clothe, dress, attire.
L15-M17.2. verb refl. Clothe oneself, esp. in ecclesiastical vestments.
ME-M17.3. verb trans. Invest or endow (a person)
with property.
rare. Only in
L15.4. verb trans. Put on (clothing) again.
L16-M19.5. verb intrans. Clothe oneself again.
E-M17.6. verb trans. =
REVET verb1. Chiefly as
revested ppl adjective.
L17-M18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
revest verb2.
[ri:'vɛst] M16.[from RE- + VEST verb.]1. verb trans. Reinvest (a person) with authority, ownership, or office; reinstate.
M16.2. verb intrans. Be or become reinvested
in a person.
M17.3. verb trans. Vest (something) again
in a person etc.
L17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲