rigorist[adjective]Synonyms: rigid, draconian, ironhanded, rigorous, strict, stringent, unpermissive
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
rigorist noun & adjective.
['rɪgǝrɪst] Also (now
E18.[formed as RIGORISM + -IST.]A. noun.
1. A person who favours or insists on the severest or strictest interpretation or enforcement of a law, precept, etc. Cf.
E18.2. Roman Catholic Theology. A person who holds that in doubtful cases of conscience the strict course is always to be followed. Cf.
E18.b. attrib. or as
adjective. Of or pertaining to rigorists or rigorism.
L19. ■ rigo'ristic adjective of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a rigorist, of the nature of rigorism
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲