rive noun. [rʌɪv] Chiefly Scot.
rive verb. [rʌɪv] Now chiefly arch., poet., & Scot. Pa. t. rived; pa. pple rived, riven ['rɪv(ǝ)n].
Irregular Forms: (riven)
rive[verb]Synonyms: tear, cleave, rend, rip, split, shatter, burst, fragment, pash, shiver, smash, smatter, splinter, splinterize, splitter
Related Words: divide,
hew [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
rive (rīv)
v. rived, riv·en, (rĭv
ən) also
rived riv·ing, rives v. tr.► To rend or tear apart.
► To break into pieces, as by a blow; cleave or split asunder.
► To break or distress (the spirit, for example).
v. intr.To be or become split.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲