romanize verb.
['rǝʊmǝnʌɪz] Also
E17.[from ROMAN adjective + -IZE, or from French romaniser.]1. verb trans. Make Roman or Roman Catholic in character; bring under the influence or authority of Rome.
E17.2. verb intrans. Follow Roman custom or practice.
E17.3. verb intrans. Follow or imitate the practices of Roman Catholicism; become Roman Catholic.
M17.4. verb trans. Transliterate into the Roman alphabet; put into roman type.
M19. ■ romani'zation noun (a) assimilation to Roman customs or models;
(b) transliteration into Roman characters; a system or example of romanized spelling:
L19. ■ Romanizer noun a person, esp. an Anglican, who favours or adopts practices of the Roman Catholic Church
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