rood noun.
[ru:d][Old English rōd = Old Frisian rōd(e), Old Saxon rōda. In branch II rel. to Old Saxon rōda, Middle & mod. Dutch ro(o)de (also mod. roede), Old High German ruota (German Rute).]I. 1. A cross as an instrument of execution; =
CROSS noun 2.
OE-LME.2. The Cross on which Jesus suffered;
the cross as the symbol of the Christian faith.
arch. OE.3. A crucifix,
esp. one stationed above the middle of a rood-screen;
rare a figure of the Cross of Jesus as a religious object.
OE. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
rood II. 4. A former measure of length for land, usu. equal to a perch.
OE.5. a. A former measure of area for land, later standardized at a quarter of an acre (40 square perches, approx. 0.1012 hectare); a plot of land of this size.
OE.b. A measure of area for land, paving, timber, masonry, etc., usu. equal to a square perch.
LME-M19.Comb. & phrases:
by the rood! arch. expr. asseveration;
Holy Rood: see
HOLY adjective.
rood-beam a transverse beam supporting a rood, usu. forming the head of a rood-screen;
Rood day (
obsolete exc.
Hist.) Holy Rood Day;
rood-loft a loft or gallery at the top of a rood-screen;
rood-screen a screen, usu. of richly carved wood or stone, separating the nave from the chancel of a church.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲