rubricate verb.
['ru:brɪkeɪt] L16.[Latin rubricat- pa. ppl stem of rubricare, from rubrica: see RUBRIC, -ATE3.]1. verb trans. Write, print, or mark in red. Formerly also (
Christian Church), enter (a name) in red letters in a calendar of saints.
L16.2. verb trans. Provide (a text) with a rubric or rubrics.
M19.3. verb intrans. Sign one's name with a rubric.
M19. ■ rubri'cation noun (a) the action or an act of rubricating something, esp. of marking a text etc. in red;
(b) a rubricated passage or text:
L19. ■ rubricator noun (
Hist.) a person employed to rubricate parts of a manuscript or early printed book
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