sacral adjective1 & noun.
['seɪkr(ǝ)l] M18.[from SACRUM + -AL1.]Anatomy.
A. adjective. Pertaining to the sacrum.
M18.b. noun. A vertebra, nerve, etc., situated in the sacral region.
M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
sacral adjective2.
['seɪkr(ǝ)l, 'sak-] L19.[from Latin
sacrum sacred thing, rite, etc., use as noun of neut. sing. of
sacer sacred +
Anthropology. Of or pertaining to a sacred rite or rites; having a sacred purpose or significance.
■ sacrality
[-'kral-] noun sacral character or quality
M20. ■ sacrali'zation noun the action or an act of endowing a thing with sacred significance, esp. through ritual
E20. ■ sacralize verb trans. endow with sacred significance, esp. through ritual
E20. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲