sansculotte noun.
[sanzkju:'lɒt, skylɔt (pl. same)]L18.[French, from
sans without +
culotte knee-breeches.]
1. A lower-class Parisian republican in the French Revolution (
gen. an extreme republican or revolutionary.
transf. A shabbily dressed person, a ragamuffin.
E19. ■ sansculotterie
[-'lɒtǝri, -lɔtri] noun (
Hist.) the principles, spirit, or behaviour of sansculottes; sansculottes collectively:
L18. ■ sansculottic adjective (a) pertaining to the sansculottes or to sansculottism, revolutionary;
(b) inadequately or improperly clothed:
E19. ■ sansculottish adjective =
sansculottic (a)
L18. ■ sansculottism noun (
Hist.) the principles or practice of sansculottes
L18. ■ sansculottist noun (
Hist.) an advocate or supporter of sansculottism
M19. ■ sansculottize verb (
(a) verb trans. make republican in character;
(b) verb intrans. favour sansculottic or republican principles:
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