schistosome noun.
['skɪstǝ(ʊ)sǝʊm] E20.[mod. Latin
Schistosoma (see below), from Greek
skhistos (see
sōma body: see
Zoology. Any of various parasitic trematodes of the genus
Schistosoma and family Schistosomatidae of which the early stages occur in freshwater snails and the adults are parasitic in the blood vessels of birds and mammals including man; a blood fluke. Cf.
■ schisto'somal
adjective M20. ■ schistosomiasis
[-'mʌɪǝsɪs] noun, pl.-ases
[-ǝsi:z], (
Medicine) disease caused by infection with blood flukes of the genus
Schistosoma, characterized by chronic symptoms esp. of the digestive and urinary systems, and sometimes by fever
E20. ■ schistosomi'cidal
adjective M20. ■ schisto'somicide
noun (
Pharmacology) a substance or drug that destroys schistosomes
M20. ■ schistosomule
[-'sɒmju:l] noun =
schistosomulum M20. ■ schistosomulum
[-'sɒmjʊlǝm] noun, pl.
-ula, a blood fluke of the genus
Schistosoma which has entered its adult host but is not yet mature
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