
scutum noun. ['skju:tǝm] Pl. -ta [-tǝ].
Irregular Forms: (pl) scuta
سپر دراز یا تخم مرغی روم قدیم، (کالبد شناسی). کاسه زانو، (جانور شناسی). پوسته استخوانی، نجوم: سپر
scutum noun.
['skju:tǝm] Pl. -ta
L18.[Latin = oblong shield.]1. (Usu.
Scutum.) (The name of) a small constellation of the southern hemisphere, lying in the Milky Way between Aquila and Serpens; the Shield. Earliest in
L18.2. Zoology. A shieldlike dermal plate; a scute.
L18.3. Entomology. The second notal (dorsal) sclerite in each thoracic segment of an insect.
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