shining[adjective]Synonyms: bright, beaming, brilliant, gleaming, glistening, luminous, radiant, shimmering, sparkling
[TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
shining adjective. ['ʃʌɪnɪŋ] OE.[from SHINE verb + -ING2.]1. That shines; lustrous, gleaming; radiant. Also, of rich or brilliant appearance, colour, attire, etc.
OE.■ A. Sillitoe Dust covered his shining toe-caps.b. Botany &
Mineralogy. Having a smooth even polished surface.
E17.2. Conspicuously excellent, distinguished, brilliant. Now
rare exc. in
shining example.
OE.■ E. E. Smith To her Moffatt's work seemed a shining example of the..movement.Special collocations & phrases:
improve the shining hour [after Isaac Watts Divine Songs] make good use of time; make the most of one's time.
shining armour (freq.
iron.) willingness or preparedness to devote oneself nobly to a good cause (
knight in shining armour: see
KNIGHT noun).
shining cuckoo the golden-bronze cuckoo,
Chalcites lucidus, of New Zealand and other Pacific islands.
shining light [after John 5:35] a person conspicuously excellent in some respect.
shining path [translating Spanish sendero luminoso] =
■ shiningly adverb LME. ■ shiningness noun E18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲