sliding ppl adjective.
['slʌɪdɪŋ] OE.[from SLIDE verb + -ING2.]1. That slides; that moves or operates by sliding; gliding, flowing;
fig. (
arch.) fleeting, inconstant.
OE.b. Of a knot: made so as to slip along a cord, running.
L16.c. Of a door, panel, etc.: that is opened or shut by sliding.
E18.2. Slippery; steeply sloping.
ME.3. Accompanied by a sliding movement.
L18.Special collocations:
sliding contact a connection in an electric circuit that can be slid along a length of resistance wire.
sliding hernia (
Medicine) a hernia of an organ which is normally partly outside the peritoneum.
sliding keel a centreboard.
sliding rule (now
rare) a slide-rule.
sliding scale (a) a slide-rule;
(b) a scale of fees, taxes, wages, etc., that varies as a whole in accordance with variation in some standard.
sliding seat a seat in an outrigger which moves backwards and forwards with the action of the rower.
■ slidingly adverb M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲