spectacled adjective.
['spɛktǝk(ǝ)ld] E17.[from SPECTACLE noun1 + -ED2.]1. Provided with or wearing spectacles.
E17.2. In names of animals: having markings shaped like spectacles, esp. as pale or dark rings or patches around the eyes.
M19.spectacled bear a small S. American bear,
Tremarctos ornatus, which has white markings around the eyes and occurs in the tropical forests of the Andes.
spectacled cayman a small S. American alligator,
Caiman sclerops, which is freq. kept as a pet.
spectacled cobra the Asian cobra,
Naja naja, which often has a double loop-shaped marking on the expanded hood.
spectacled owl a Central and S. American owl,
Pulsatrix perspicillata, which has dark plumage with creamy white underparts and a striking white facial pattern.
spectacled salamander a small slender Italian salamander,
Salamandrina terdigitata, which is blackish above and bright red under the legs and tail.
spectacled serpent,
spectacled snake =
spectacled cobra above.
spectacled warbler a Mediterranean and N. African warbler,
Sylvia conspicillata, which resembles a small whitethroat and occurs in scrub in arid areas.
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