speculum noun. ['spɛkjʊlǝm] Pl. -la [-lǝ], -lums.
Irregular Forms: (pl) specula
(طب) اینه طبی یاسپکولوم، وسیله معاینه از طریق سوراخهای بدن
spec·u·lum (spěk
n. pl. spec·u·la (-lə) or
spec·u·lums► A mirror or polished metal plate used as a reflector in optical instruments.
► An instrument for dilating the opening of a body cavity for medical examination.
► Zoology. ■ A bright, often iridescent patch of color on the wings of certain birds, especially ducks.
■ A transparent spot in the wings of some butterflies or moths.
[TahlilGaran] American Dictionary ▲