spinule noun.
['spɪnju:l] M18.[Latin spinula dim. of spina SPINE: see -ULE.]Zoology &
Botany. A small or minute spine or spinelike process, esp. in invertebrates.
■ spinulate adjective bearing spinules or small spines
M19. ■ spinu'lation noun the form or arrangement of spinules
L19. ■ spinu'lescent adjective tending to produce small spines
E19. ■ spinu'liferous adjective =
spinulate M19. ■ spinulose adjective (a) =
(b) Botany (of the tooth of a fern pinnule etc.) prolonged into a hairlike point:
E19. ■ spinulous adjective =
spinulate M19. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲