spoliate[verb]Synonyms: ravage, depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, devour, pillage, sack, waste
Related Words: raid,
sweep [TahlilGaran] English Synonym Dictionary ▲
spoliate verb trans. ['spǝʊlɪeɪt] E18.[Latin spoliat- pa. ppl stem of spoliare SPOIL verb: see -ATE3.]Spoil; pillage; rob or deprive
of something.
■ spoliative adjective (
Medicine) having the effect of seriously diminishing the blood volume
L19. ■ spoliator noun M19. ■ spoliatory adjective of the nature of or characterized by spoliation or robbery; pillaging, plundering:
L18. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲