spurge noun.
[spǝ:dʒ] LME.[Aphet. from Old French espurge (mod. épurge), from espurgier from Latin expurgare cleanse, EXPURGATE.]Any of numerous plants constituting the genus
Euphorbia (family Euphorbiaceae), which exude an acrid milky juice with purgative properties and have minute flowers grouped in a cup-shaped involucre.
caper spurge,
petty spurge,
Portland spurge,
sun spurge, etc.
spurge hawk,
spurge hawkmoth a grey-brown and pink hawkmoth,
Hyles euphorbiae, whose caterpillars feed on spurges;
spurge laurel a low early-flowering Eurasian shrub of the mezereon family,
Daphne laureola, with glossy evergreen leaves and greenish flowers;
spurge nettle a plant of the spurge family with stinging hairs,
Cnidoscolus stimulosus, of the southern US;
spurge olive the shrub mezereon,
Daphne mezereum.
[TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲
spurge verb.
[spǝ:dʒ] Long
obsolete exc.
dial. ME.[Old French espurgier: see SPURGE noun.]1. verb trans. Cleanse or purify (a person, the body, etc.); free from or rid
of impurity;
fig. clear of guilt.
ME-M16.2. verb trans. Remove or clear
away or
out by cleansing or purifying.
LME-L15.3. verb intrans. Of ale, wine, or other fermenting liquor: produce a deposit during fermentation; become clear; ferment.
LME.4. verb intrans. Empty the bowels.
M16-M17. [TahlilGaran] English Dictionary ▲